Tuesday, April 30, 2013

That Long Journey From The Lot To The Classroom

Photo courtesy of Flickr.com

Student parking lots all happened to be pretty far away from where students need to go. 

That walk from the parking lot or structure to class can be brutal at times and as a result many students catch the shuttle bus to save time. Although catching the shuttle can be convenient in the sense of saving time, but are students really helping themselves by catching the shuttle bus?

“My first class is in the Psy building and I park in lot 20 on the lower part of campus, so say, I have to take the shuttle or ill be late” Erin Ross, second year English major. 

That road to class can be a long one.
Yes, it is true that catching the shuttle bus can save students from being late. However, did you know that a brisk walk or run can help reduce the risk of heart disease? According to Robert Latter, MD, research shows that individuals who walked briskly were able to maintain their heart health and keep their blood pressure and cholesterol down. 

This should be excellent news for student, especially those who do not have time to visit the Recreation and Wellness center. A 15-20 minute walk is all that is needed to help maintain a healthier heart. 

Just by making the decision to walk, students are already better off health wise as opposed to those who hitch a ride on the shuttle. Walking in itself is a good exercise, especially at CSULB being that the campus is filled with hills and stairs. 

Next time you have a long journey ahead of you and you are about to step foot on that shuttle bus. Stop, and think about how much healthier it would be to embark on that journey on foot.

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