Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Where are all the fruits and veggies?

There are many different areas on campus where food is sold; however, when it comes to fruits and vegetables sources are rather scarce.

We've got vending machines waiting for us when we get out of class, but where are the fruit stands?

CSULB has two food courts with different fast-food places available, and a couple of restaurants on campus. We have vending machines by the library, in the USU, right outside of class buildings, and along walkways.
It is not necessarily bad to eat fast-food, chips and candy every now and again, but according the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) meals are supposed to be eaten in a variety. By variety they mean, one is supposed to get portions from all different food groups. So where are the fruits and vegetables?
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention state that half of each meal plate should consist of fruits and vegetables to maintain optimal health. For students who spend long hours at school, this seems much easier said than done. “Yea they serve fruits and veggies at the convenient stores, but the lack of options makes me not want to buy anything” said Jason Rodriguez, junior nutrition major. “They should start selling more super foods like avocados.”

Imagine a health food store like this on campus
(Photo Credit to Melvin's Market

If the lack of fruit and vegetable selections is not helping to spark interest about healthy eating, then what should be considered is the placement of an on campus health food store. How nice would it be for CSULB to have its own health food store where students can shop around a pick out fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods to their liking. That should definitely attract some student attention to the topic of healthy eating.  
A place where a variety of healthy foods to choose from can be purchased and it’s right here on campus; now that’s the true meaning of a convenient store.         

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